Saturday, March 28, 2020

Brainfuse Live Tutoring - A New Way For Parents To Meet Their Childs Individual Educational Needs

Brainfuse Live Tutoring - A New Way For Parents To Meet Their Child's Individual Educational NeedsBrainfuse Live Tutoring is a new company in the education industry that offers a free service for parents to enroll their child into a tutor program. Parents can sign up their child for a specific brainfuse tutoring program based on their child's skill and performance. It's a convenient way for parents to meet their child's individual educational needs, while helping to develop a strong educational foundation.Brainfuse offers one-on-one tutoring for students. You can choose the tutoring session or a group of tutors to meet your child's educational needs. You can also choose to study with other brainfuse tutors and participate in group study sessions or studies sessions. When you are a part of a Brainfuse program, you will earn your certificate, giving you an achievement award and status within the tutoring profession.The company uses its staff members and students to help your child's de velopment. The company provides numerous study tools and educational resources that enable your child to learn more and earn higher grades. The best part about being a part of the Brainfuse Live Tutoring program is that you will earn a certificate after completing a tutoring session or study period.Certified teachers will conduct all classroom lectures and study materials. The organization works hard to offer the most comprehensive program for students and teachers alike. There are online resources and books available at the website to help you improve your child's skills.Brainfuse offers an exciting school experience, right from the beginning to the end. You can enroll your child in a Kid Club for Education that focuses on learning math and other subjects with a focus on the development of young minds. This program is open to all ages and all skill levels.Thetutoring sessions provide a social experience for both parents and young children. Your child gets to meet his or her peers a nd interact with his or her peers. A special program for young children to educate them in several subjects makes Brainfuse Live Tutoring an ideal opportunity for families to bond.Since Brainfuse gives priority to providing exceptional personal attention and support to each and every child, parents can have access to the services of the tutors and their family members whenever they need it. Parents can also select their own tutors, based on their own schedules. For better results, Brainfuse's other tutoring programs such as Kid Coaching Club and mentoring are also available for parents.

Friday, March 6, 2020

4th of July Celebration in North Carolina

4th of July Celebration in North Carolina When it comes to celebrating the birthday of the United States of America, no one does it like a southern state. North Carolina, the birthplace of the first flight, has been known for celebrating America with a diverse variety of events, ranging from fireworks at Lake Norman or at the Great Smoky Mountains to a colorful night of fireworks along the outer banks. Enjoying the breath-taking Carolina blue skies, families and friends gather on this special day to celebrate the birth of the nation that gave a whole new meaning to the word freedom. As the scorching heat of the first days of the southern summer reach that boiling point where everybody is stocking up on beer and kegs, large retailers, such as Wal-Mart, lure customers with hard-to-resist deals on the 4th of July favorites; all kinds of meat and poultry, sodas and apple pie are just some examples. Also, during this time of year is very common to see large groups of Harley Davidson enthusiast that cruise the streets of Charlotte on their bikes that, needless to say, are a great American icon. At the same time, local authorities, including Police and State Troopers, inform communities that check points will be placed across towns and cities to ensure that people take proper precaution  when driving. DUI is a major problem during these festivities due to the excessive alcohol consumption by minors and irresponsible adults alike. Other than that, celebrating the birth of America in the Carolinas is an experience that will linger in your mind for many years to come. Another well-known tradition for the 4th of July is a cook-out at sunset. As I mentioned earlier, people swarm to get their essentials at the closest grocery or convenience store, enticed by low prices and appealing packaging. This, of course, is dwarfed by the ongoing desire of youngsters and adults to have a good time and blow off some steam. Finally, the crowning point of this day is the firework display around 8 pm. Bright colors blaze up the summer night with hundreds of explosions that can be seen and heard for up to 3 miles, if fog and loud, indistinct music isn’t already spoiling already all your fun.

Parents banned from using mobile phones - Tutor Hunt Blog

Parents banned from using mobile phones Parents banned from using mobile phones because they are ignoring their children Parents banned from using mobile phones because they are ignoring their childrenSchoolsThe majority of schools do not allow mobile phones to be used in class, and there are some schools that demand pupils hand their phones into their form teacher at the start of lessons, with the devices only being returned at break times and the end of the day. France has gone one step further: as of July 2018 it completely banned the use of all mobile phones by pupils on school grounds. Applied all the way from kindergarten to the ninth grade, the ban was put in place after research proved (as if the research was necessary) that phones distract pupils, and impede their learning. A news story caught my eye this week, concerning a school banning phones in the playground. I initially thought this restriction seemed a little harsh - why shouldn`t pupils, enjoying a well earned break from their lessons, be granted the right to a little time on their phones? A second reading showed that I had misunderstood the story - the restricted use of phones in the playground didn`t apply to pupils, but rather to their parents. St Peter`s CE Primary School in Leigh has recently banned all parents from using their phones when collecting their children in the playground. Wendy Cathie, headmistress of the school has instigated the ban, as she had become increasingly concerned with how parents were not engaging with their children at the end of the day. A post she issued publicly on social media explains her feelings: `How many of you are so engrossed in a conversation with your friend or on the phone, that you forget to say to your child `Hi how was your day?` smile warmly at them or give them a hug?` She went onto say that she hoped the banning of mobile phones would contribute to the pupils` mental health, while also strongly encouraging parents to listen to their children at the end of the day. `Please take a moment to listen and talk to your child. The power of talk has a huge impact on our children`s language development,` her public Facebook continued. This story is depressing on so many levels. Why is it that a school is required to discipline parents, to enforce guidelines so that they will not ignore their own children? The end of a school day is so very important for children and parents. A child spends the majority of its time either at home or at school - the end of the school day is where these two words join. Children haven`t have seen their mother or father for five or six hours - what kind of a message does it send if their parents are more interested in looking at their phones than engaging with their child at this moment? `It really pulls at your heartstrings when you see parents on phone calls and pupils are running out to see them,` Ms Cathie went on to say. `Sometimes they don`t even say `hello`, they just walk off.` Philip Pulman, well known author of His Dark Materials, has spoken out many times regarding the insidious nature of mobile phones, saying parents need to ditch their phones and speak more with their children to boost their vocabulary. `It fills me with despair when I see somebody pushing a pushchair along with a child in it and the parents walking along behind them talking into a mobile phone,` the author has said. Mr Pulman`s were made after a study, conducted by the Oxford University Press, found that almost half of all five and six year olds are at serious risk of underperforming academically because they have a severely limited vocabulary. The study went on to disclose that more than four in ten children in their first year of secondary school possess a deficient vocabulary, and were suffering from a `word gap` that was likely to negatively affect their education. 4 months ago0Add a Comment

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Tips From an Irvine English Tutor eNotes

Tips From an Irvine English Tutor eNotes eNotes: A Literary Companion Many high school students find it difficult to get through the books on their reading list, whether it’s for a standard 9th grade English class or for an AP English class (READ: Ask a Nerd! Taking the AP Exam). There are many options available and some of them are better than others. One option to consider is eNotes. The Great Books List eNotes offers over 40,000 study guides for books on the Great Books list. Although these can be useful for anyone who wants to improve or broaden their  literary skills, eNotes primary purpose is to serve the needs of high school students and their teachers. Although the Great Books list will broaden the minds of young literary students, many texts have forms of English that are difficult for the modern reader to comprehend. For example, Macbeth by William Shakespeare and The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne offer fabulous insights and valid moral conflicts but the language is a challenge. Even students who use the plain language version may find it difficult to fully comprehend without an additional study guide (READ: Five Tips for Success in English Class). eNotes offers over 40,000 study guides for books on the Great Books list. Although these can be useful for anyone who wants to improve or broaden their  literary skills, eNotes primary purpose is to serve the needs of high school students and their teachers. Although the Great Books list will broaden the minds of young literary students, many texts have forms of English that are difficult for the modern reader to comprehend. For example, Macbeth by William Shakespeare and The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne offer fabulous insights and valid moral conflicts but the language is a challenge. Even students who use the plain language version may find it difficult to fully comprehend without an additional study guide. Historical and Contemporary Students who read period pieces such as the Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe or Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte also benefit from ample background information about the time period and the place of certain characters in society, as well as a complex biography of the author. Contemporary texts can also be an exciting challenge and one of the advantages of eNotes is that it also offers current texts including The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and The Giver by Lois Lowry (CLICK: 100 Best Novels). Accuracy Another advantage of using the study guides on eNotes is the assurance of accuracy. Literature students often Google the text theyre studying and may or may not come across a legitimate source. According to eNotes, the study guides are written by teachers, PhD candidates, and literary scholars. User Friendly Lets say I have been assigned to read 1984 by George Orwell. I can simply click on 1984 and the site will pull up a new page with a summary of the novel. Students are advised to read the summary before reading the full text. eNotes also provides an estimated reading time for each novel to help students manage their study time and understand the complexity of the text. Students who are visual learners can look at the overview on a short YouTube video. Students can also look at a 1984 chapter by chapter summary and analysis, which can be helpful as they prepare for finals. eNotes also provides information about the themes of each text, which is especially important for student reading period pieces of which the themes may appear obtuse. As is common for literary study guides, eNotes also provides a list of primary characters and a summary of their personality or purpose in the novel. In addition, secondary and tertiary characters are listed for reference. While looking through the site for 1984, theres also a list of critical essays which can help students understand how literary critics of the world reviewed this particular novel, or any novel on eNotes, however students should never copy and paste such information to use as their own. For 1984, there are also homework help questions. For example, if a student wants to find out what one of the characters thoughts are on “human heritage and dying” they can do so. Many of the issues that todays high school students have is that a lot of information in period texts asks the reader to ‘read in between the lines’. Sometimes this is simply to make the text more interesting and sometimes it was because the author was not allowed to state outright particular opinions or facts due to the political leanings in the country they lived or in the time they lived (READ: Ask a Private Irvine English Tutor: Writing Apps). Read the Entire Text! Its very important for students to understand that if they only use eNotes they will not receive a passing grade in their class. eNotes, although very helpful, is meant to be a companion to the actual book. Students need to read the full text in its original version or plain language version to fully comprehend the information and do well in their classes. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about; our Orange County private tutors are full of right answers.

How To Expand Your Part-Time Job Search Beyond The Corporate World

How To Expand Your Part-Time Job Search Beyond The Corporate World   Check Out Local Institutions No matter where you live or where you want to move, there are a few institutions that basically every community possesses. And unless you check you will not know if they are hiring. There are museums, theaters, libraries and more. You do not need to check out the huge city and state-run organizations but check out non-profit organizations that appeal to you. The same jobs that corporations are looking to fill, these little organizations also offer the same jobs. Do accounting or book keeping? Have office experience? These organizations require employees with the same skills, just set towards a different goal. Working for a smaller organization might even be more fulfilling if you care about the mission and the work that the organization does. They might not have job listings on their website or have postings on job boards like big corporate companies. You will probably need to do some leg work and scope the places out for yourself to see if they are hiring or even interested in creating a new position. You can network and volunteer to make yourself known and useful. It might take a little bit more work to find a part-time job and apply for it at one of these local institutions but, for you, it might be a lot more fulfilling in the long run. Connect Via Your Religious Institution If you are religious, or even if you are not, there are lots of religious institutions anywhere that you go. Use this as a hook-up to find a job that is more interesting and appealing to you. They can offer many other jobs besides one that is religious in nature. Every organization is, at its core, a business and the same technical positions need to be filled at every one. If that religious institution does not have any open jobs, they might be able to connect you to other religious institutions in the area that do. You can also connect with congregants, many of which might be affiliated with the same kinds of organizations that you want to work for. There are federations and other forms of groups that you can find interesting work with. Discover Local Businesses There are plenty of businesses where you live that are not corporate organizations as well and they are often looking for hard working employees with a different kind of outlook on life, one that is not compatible with working in a corporate setting. They could be the perfect fit for you â€" you just need to go seek them out. Art galleries, little bakeries, and boutique shops are just a few examples. They might have smaller staffs and be less public with their job postings as well because they want to be more selective. Working at a small, local business is definitely different than working in a corporate setting. At a corporate organization, you can be just a small fish in a big pond where you will not know that many people (especially those outside your department). But at a local organization, everyone knows everyone and you are all working together. They are looking for just the right person to complement the work environment and family that they have already established. Community Culture Job Boards Another great place to branch out in your search for a part-time job out of the corporate world is the job boards of the local council of culture and arts. Most towns and cities have one, though you will need to check how active yours is. But they often list exclusive job postings for local arts and culture organizations so if you check there, you might get an inside scoop on open jobs at the kinds of places that are not corporate and that you might be interested in working at. They often send out newsletters which you can sign up for or post about the job openings on their Facebook page, if they have one, as well that you can follow to stay up to date.

The Various Areas of Gamma Chemistry

The Various Areas of Gamma ChemistryGamma chemistry is the application of science and technology that engages researchers in a multitude of disciplines. It's a broad term encompassing all the areas of scientific research, including biological, physical, environmental, earth and space sciences. It's used to describe a wide range of research projects within this field, ranging from new ideas to experimental and theoretical studies.The main goal of such research is to find solutions to problems that can be applied in the real world. For example, scientists have studied cancer and other diseases, explored climate change, and investigated how matter interacts with gravity and magnetism. Scientific research helps scientists to build bridges to other fields and explores the workings of nature and the universe. Thus, they are also able to unlock its secrets for the benefit of mankind.You need to understand that gamma chemistry involves the study of atoms, molecules, protons, neutrons, electr ons, nuclei, atoms, electrons, atoms, nuclei, and their interactions. The outcomes of the research depend on the methodology employed, the data collected, and the experimental techniques used. They involve different experiments such as spectroscopy, radiation absorption, ionizing, pulsed-field, electronic force microscopy, and electrospray ionization.Gamma chemistry is one of the most advanced branches of science. Scientific research is widely undertaken in areas such as gas chemistry, plasma physics, materials physics, condensed matter physics, cell biology, enzyme reactions, and many more. Alpha, beta, gamma, and delta experiments are conducted in such areas to study the various properties of gases, liquids, solids, and alloys. It has also made its mark in particle physics, radioactivity, atom and molecular spectroscopy, and many other branches of science.It is very much active in the field of applied research as well, where it is observed to have a lot of practical applications i n the field of medicine, health care, and social sciences. Besides, it is often seen in engineering areas, and in the fields of electronics, photonics, electronics, electronics, and semiconductor and electronic engineering. Gamma chemistry is also applicable in areas such as computing and computer science, design and robotics, computer systems, and software engineering.Gamma chemistry is one of the most exciting fields today. It's so interesting because of the number of unique properties it possesses and the applications it can do in the field of technology.It was only after a couple of decades that scientists have begun to realize the tremendous potential of this discipline. Now that scientists are more aware of the importance of gamma chemistry, they are also working together with other disciplines to help improve it.

Student Tutor Reviews

Student Tutor ReviewsStudent tutor reviews are really good source of information on different students. They provide information on the tutor's qualifications, experience, areas of specialization and his or her objectives. But there are some factors which will be important for you to consider before you get a student to help you with your university's coursework.In most cases the first person that you will contact when you require help in your studies is the tutor. You need to be sure that the person you select is a well-experienced tutor. You need to consider that he or she has many years of experience in various types of courses, which include psychology, English and chemistry, for example. The professional person you pick should also have an excellent reputation, which can be verified by a thorough reading of the student's student profile.Professional student tutor reviews are sometimes available online. These reviews help you determine if the person you are about to hire has been endorsed by numerous organizations. The following testimonials will help you decide if the candidate is credible. Some other things that will be important for you to consider before hiring a student teacher is whether the person you have chosen would be satisfied with your service, as well as how much he or she would be willing to pay for their services.There are other sources which you may use to find out the truth of the matter. You may consult with fellow students who have had their own experiences with the person you are about to hire. You may also check out the company's websites and make a review of the website as well.After finding a student teacher you can consider the various sources you have used to get a good knowledge about him or her. Most importantly, you should compare the features of the individual from the one you find in different student tutors reviews to help you decide.You should be able to confirm that the person you have selected for your course work is relia ble. It is also important that the tutor you choose has already been taught by the person he or she is providing you help with. So make sure that you have also gotten any feedback regarding the quality of services that they have provided to their previous students.The main thing that you need to remember about student tutor reviews is that you must check out all the facts before you select any student to help you with your studies. You need to compare them against other student tutors to get a comprehensive idea of each one. Make sure that you get the genuine tips that you need to find a good tutor for your course work.